Book Heather
Heather Palacios
Heather is the founder of WONDHERFUL, Inc. She is married to Raul Palacios, has two beautiful
children D.J. and Andy, and lives in sunny South Florida.
Heather is a multiple attempt suicide survivor and believes if you wake up breathing , that's
GODS proof to you to keep going. She has dedicated her life to helping those going thru a
mentally difficult time and have attempted or are contemplating suicide.
Heather is a graduate of Judson University with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management is a
frequent speaker across the USA at Business Events, Mental Health Conferences, Churches,
Prisons, Police Stations, Halfway Houses and various other venues.
Her life verse is Psalms 118:17,
“I will live and not die, and I will tell what the Lord has done.”
Book Heather
Do you want to have Heather at your event or conference? Fill out the form and we’ll take care of the rest.